Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Season Finale

Some people say his tears are adhesive, but he never cries. We just know he's called The Stig.

I know actors and actresses, cast and crew, directors and the like all have lives, but do they know I don't care? I mean the nerve of it all! I sit here and invest my time watching, developing emotional attachments to characters and this is how they repay me? They just up and leave me one terrible night?!?

I ask you why do Jack Carter, those loveable Brits of Top Gear, the monsters from Monster Quest, the ufos from UFO Hunters and all my other televised family leave me all at once? Couldn't they stagger they're vacations leaving one or two of them to keep me company?

No instead I'm left crying in my pillow waiting, wishing that they'll come back to me and all too often they don't. :(

So now I sit hear inundated with new shows trying, failing to win me over. Off to cry until next year.

1 comment:

  1. They do stagger them, tho. That's why we have the brilliance of Destination Truth starting back up again. Not to mention Supernatural. AND don't you dare forget about Ghost Hunters being well into their newest season.

    All that aside, I agree with you wholeheartedly. I don't care that the fuckers have lives. I just want to watch good shows all the time. I'm personally rather sick of "new" shows that are just like all the old shows that aren't worth my time anyway. Just how many shows about vampire love do we need at a given time? (P.S. The answer is zero. Unfortunately the networks do not listen to me.)
